Thursday, January 19, 2012

Recent Paintings And Drawings

This is a kind of painting I wanted to make where I could explore form and space and colour.  Although I think I left colour aside to a large degree even when it does appear I was still more concerned with the form and the blocking in of space with the grid lines.  I thought the crisscrossing of lines might be a good way of filling in space and creating a good optical effect. I practiced and explored it a bit but began to feel like I was getting locked into something that was just not close enough to what I wanted.  I think it shows they never really came together.  It just didn't feel right, but they are quite recent and I do like where the basic inspiration was coming from.  It makes me think of Keith Richards talking about other musicians trying to play his music and really struggling not understanding that he uses open G tuning. I think about that a bit just finding something that fits right and feels right and then you can really make something great.

1 comment:

  1. These are really interesting. Each shape is its own thing, but when it comes together it really gives you a sense of completion. I would easily pay upwards of twenty dollars for one of these pieces.

    - Tom
